Monday, April 19, 2010

April Happenings

We have stayed pretty busy this month. One thing however, that keeps dragging us down is allergies and colds. I feel that I have something every week and most of the time it is allergies, except as of today, Paxton and I are both fighting off colds that we got from Kevin last week :(. It is really frustrating before I volunteer at the Pregnancy Center because I always feel like I am changing the day that I work due to illness. Oh well. Hopefully things will be better for me once the pollen settles down! The good news of the month is that the Pregnancy Center has been such a blessing! I am reminded of what Christ said about "The Harvest is Plentiful" when I am there. Volunteering there has made me realize that there is such a need for people to hear about Christ! I have been blessed to lead three people to the Lord and it has made me much more bold with my faith. I even found myself asking an HEB employee if she knew Christ! It has also been overwhelming to hear some of these women's stories. They are so heartbreaking but I love it when they come to the realization that there is Eternal hope and the precious being that they are carrying inside them is LIFE. So many are amazed to see the heartbeat on the ultrasound. They are also able to see and hold little figurines of what the baby looks like at that moment. All of my clients so far that have been abortion minded have changed their mind once they see the ultrasound of their precious little one. I love every single minute of it!

As far as Paxton news goes, he is learning to sit up unassisted! It is so funny just to see him sitting there when I am used to him just lying around. Here is a short video. This was shot a few days ago and he has already improved so much as of today!

Here is another video of Pax doing a funny sound. He seems to be rolling his tongue or gurgling. We can never tell. I don't think I have ever seen a baby do this (unless I haven't been around a lot of babies) but he seems to do it when he is really happy or when he is playing in his crib. I figured that I better catch it on video since it is such an odd sound!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Paxton is 5 months old!

Paxton turned five months old today! As you can see by the picture, we also celebrated the Astros opening day (hopefully we will still be celebrating as the season progresses). The days seem to fly by and he is changing day by day. He learned to roll from back to tummy a week ago which has resulted in a few long nights because he would cry every time he found himself on his tummy. He is getting used to it though, and I find him in the weirdest sleeping positions in the mornings. I think he takes after Uncle Tyler! He is still eating cereal every night and I am currently gearing up to start making his baby food. I am just waiting for my new food processor to get here!

Paxton also got to see his sweet cousin Chloe this weekend for Easter. Both of them got spoiled rotten by lots of family. Uncle Bruce and Aunt Trisha came from Ohio and we had fun catching up with them. It also seemed that everyone came with gifts for Pax and Chloe. They got some cute outfits and handmade items. I can't wait for Pax to show them off! I wish I could post some pics from Easter but we forgot our camera!!! We will just have to bum off Gigi and Sister :)

Chloe's Birthday Party

I have been a horrible blogger! We have been busy for the past few weeks and I have been sick off and on with allergies. I heard that the pollen has been the worst in Houston History and boy do I testify to that! Anyway, in March we went to Austin to celebrate Chloe's first birthday! It was a lot of fun and Sister did a wonderful job creating the perfect cupcake party and Chloe looked like a cupcake princess. Sadly, Pax had to miss some of it due to a nap in order to alleviate his crankiness :) Fun pics from the weekend are below!

Grandmother pic! My parents were also in town to visit my brother so we also took pics with my mom! Pax had so much fun being spoiled by BOTH of his Grandmas!

Pax enjoyed Chloe's bouncer :)

I wish we had pictures from the party but I have to get them from Sister since we had a photographer shoot the party so we could all enjoy it. Looking forward to posting them!